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About Us

About Us

We take flirting to a whole new level.


We made it our hearty mission to create the most exquisite online place for you to meet new people, interact, share thoughts & ideas. And fully enjoy it!


chaudparadis.com is an online community created to serve as the virtual meeting place for people who like to flirt, make new friends or even want to meet that special one. It gives you the means to meet cool people in a pleasant and discreet environment, where inhibitions fade away.

Approaching has never been easier!



The Features


Chat a fully featured software, comparable (or we say even better) with the best ones on the market. Beautiful design, emoticons, notifications and kind of everything you need for a good conversation!


Near You - it's the dating GPS. Thanks to this system, you'll be shown all the users from your area. Easy to use and adjustable regarding the minimum/maximum distance between your location and theirs.


Matchmaker - this original application uses a complex algorithm to determine which members are the most compatible with you. It takes into consideration your interests, age, location, sex orientation and basically all the information you provided on your profile. It make it much easier when the place is really crowded!


Stories - think of it as a blog or better said, a diary. Most of us like to share our romantic stories and, as you already know, love has the power to wake up the writer in us. The best stories will be featured on the homepage.


Gifts - distance and timing are usually obstacles when it comes to gift. But you can show your affection online too! Check out the presents available for purchase and instant shipping!


Languages - tired of having to use only one language per website? No more! There are 3 languages available at the moment : English, French and Italian. Soon, there might be more!



This isn't all. Much more interesting and useful tools are provided. Take your time and explore ChaudParadis!











Our Values


We aim at providing you the three most important things: enjoyment, privacy and security.

None of them is above the other two. The first one is easily observable - you can chat, add friends, use the Matchmaker, blog or read other interesting stories and much more. It's simple and fun. For the other two, namely privacy and security, we adopted a strict policy (for more information, please read the Terms and Conditions + Privacy Policy). Our consistent efforts assure you that no personal info of yours will be leaked, no unwanted e-mails will be sent and so on. Regarding any possible harassments from other users, you'll be able to block them and report to us.



The Team


Our crew is composed of young professionals, fresh yet with enough experience to master the intricate technical details of running a big interactive community. Every piece of ChaudParadis is the result of their hard work, full days & a lot of sleepless nights dedicated to the project. Many obstacles  have been overcome and many buckets of coffee helped with strength and inspiration. But it doesn't end here! We are constantly working to improve ChaudParadis, add features and innovate. In the same time, we provide support 24/7 to help you make head way against any possible problems and to make it improbable that you face any!


Thank you for joining ChaudParadis!


Yours truly,


The ChaudParadis Team